Volunteering in Big Local Evaluation

In 2021, ERS explored the characteristics of people from local communities involved in volunteering linked to Big Local. Big Local is a resident-led funding programme providing groups of people in 150 areas in England with £1.15m each, to spend across 10 to 15 years to bring about change in their neighbourhoods. In Big Local areas, resident-led partnerships identify local priorities and decide how the money will be spent in their areas.

Our research took a case study approach, working with six Big Local areas. Areas were selected based on characteristics of the community and partnership, and capacity to engage in the research. For each of the case study areas, we reviewed and analysed: local plans and plan reviews; additional information held by Local Trust; and complementary National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) and government data, to help us build on what was already known and identify gaps. We spoke to Big Local partnership members and volunteers, LTO representatives, community organisations, and other volunteers who were not partnership members.

Our report translated volunteer feedback into clear recommendations for the Local Trust. We reviewed what worked well and not so well in providing support to volunteer partnerships. These insights were clearly communicated and translated into actionable recommendations, which will be used by the organisations to inform their future support to and promotion of volunteer partnerships.

Read our report here: