Our evaluations are built on thoroughness and fairness, setting out clear conclusions and deliverable recommendations
ERS has conducted more than 1,000 evaluations, of projects worth in excess of £4 billion. These evaluations include local and national programmes, spanning a range of thematic areas including business support, employability, skills, regeneration, community development, heritage, the environment, health/wellbeing, sport and crime/community safety, amongst others.
ERS uses an ever-evolving portfolio of techniques to engage stakeholders and beneficiaries , allowing us to answer the questions that clients and potential funders view as important. We present findings in a way that will support client goals and ensure that success can be delivered in the future.
ERS undertakes both formative and summative evaluations, in addition to providing advice and support on evaluation methodologies and frameworks. Our team is also highly experienced in supporting the development and implementation of monitoring systems across a range of intervention types.
Selected examples of programme types
We work with clients who oversee and deliver a wide range of programmes; the below are illustrative, not exhaustive.
Community programmes
We work with programmes aiming to build community connections and skills, and to regenerate local areas.
Business support programmes
We assess programmes that support businesses, both through grant funding and by providing information and guidance.
Support programmes for vulnerable and marginalised groups
We are passionate about services that empower those most in need and are skilled in working with people facing social exclusion.
Environmental and outdoor programmes
We work with clients that deliver programmes seeking to create sustainable futures and deliver services in nature and the outdoors.
Culture, sport and heritage programmes
We regular carry out work within these sectors, including projects working across the UK and internationally.