Evaluation of Natural England’s Health, Nature, Wellbeing and Sustainability Tool

In September 2021, ERS produced a strategic evaluation project on behalf of Natural England, tasked with reviewing the Health, Wellbeing, Nature, and Sustainability (HWNS) Tool. This tool was designed to offer user-friendly, validated insights for into the relationships and dependencies between health, wellbeing, nature, sustainability, and the factors influencing them. Aimed at supporting local authorities to better understand these linkages to improve local outcomes, the tool strives to enable a whole system approach, facilitating integrated strategic planning. The tool comprises a dashboard featuring key performance indicators and qualitative dependency diagrams for each of the thematic areas. The intention behind the tool is that it will empower stakeholders to identify policy levers, dependencies, and indirect effects that can inform holistic and strategic policymaking, transcending traditional silos.

To evaluate the use of the tool and Natural England’s approach, our multifaceted brief encompassed the following key objectives:

  • Design the programme logic model: At the core of our work was the creation of a comprehensive logic model that illuminated the HWNS theory of change. By designing this model, we intended to clarify how the programme's activities would lead to outcomes and impacts.

  • Develop an evaluation framework: In conjunction with the logic model, we crafted a robust evaluation framework. This framework served as a blueprint, guiding the systematic assessment of the programme's progress and effectiveness in different areas.

  • Evaluate progress at the end of Year 1: Our third objective was to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of progress at the end of the programme’s first year. This also allowed us to assess the programme’s alignment with the initial vision and plan. We scrutinised whether the development of the HWNS Tool was progressing as intended, offering insights into the programme's early achievements.

Based on consultations with a diverse array of stakeholders, we synthesised critical insights and reflections for the HWNS programme and its partners. Our report provided a comprehensive overview of the programme's progress and its potential to enhance health, wellbeing, nature, and sustainability in local communities. It underscored the transformative potential of the HWNS Tool and the benefits it offers to all, including the most vulnerable in society and future generations.