Evaluation of Tees Valley Creative Education Partnership

ERS was commissioned to conduct a comprehensive evaluation to assess the landscape of creative learning and cultural activities available to children and young people in the Tees Valley region. The primary goal of this project was to gather and analyse data on the availability of activities and, concurrently, to gauge the demand, enthusiasm, and ambition of children and young people for arts, culture, and education in this area. This evaluation sought to unveil strengths, identify gaps, and illuminate opportunities for improving creative learning and cultural activities for the target demographic.

Our methodology focused on the following key areas:

  • Baseline provision assessment: ERS designed a multifaceted approach to create a comprehensive baseline of provision in the Tees Valley area. This involved the aggregation of data on formal in-school learning (Formal Qualifications, In-School Lessons, Enhanced Curriculum) and community learning provision, including from museums, art galleries, theatres, and private lessons. This approach allowed for a holistic view of the available resources and opportunities for creative learning in the region.

  • Primary research: To gain deeper insights, ERS carried out our own primary research by conducting an extensive e-survey of educational institutions. The survey was distributed to six primary schools, seven secondary schools, and four colleges within the Tees Valley region. Additionally, a series of focus groups and consultations with industry insiders were delivered, in order to increase the depth and breadth of our findings.

Our methodology encompassed a wide-ranging primary research strategy and allowed for a comprehensive assessment of strengths, gaps, and opportunities within the region's creative learning landscape. The findings of our study are anticipated to inform future initiatives and enhancements in the provision of creative learning opportunities for children and young people in Tees Valley, ultimately enriching their cultural and educational experiences.